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Do I need to pay additional customs or duties on my order?Updated 8 months ago

United States:

Orders are shipped from the United States, and as such, extra duties and taxes may apply depending on your selected destination. Please be aware that Nolan Interior is not responsible for these costs and does not offer refunds for them.

Non United States, we provide two options:

1. Full Customs Clearance (Delivered Duties Paid, DDP): With this option, all duties and taxes are paid and included in your order total. The amount will be automatically calculated before you proceed to checkout.

2. Duties May Apply (Delivered Duties Unpaid, DDU): With this option, delivered duties are unpaid, and you are responsible for paying any customs duties and additional fees (if applicable to your country) once your package arrives.

Both options include door-to-door tracking for your convenience.

Please note: Orders shipped to the United States do not require additional customs or duties to be paid.

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